Tuesday, August 4, 2015

My rhetorical action plan

The knowledge level of my audience is average or above average. They are aware of and often informed about the issues that photojournalism deals with. They will seek out the information with no prompts to do so except for their own interest. They value awareness for the purpose of positive change. Their concern for those they learn about and desire change for is more important to them than leaving the situation as it is and avoiding the risks and consequences of change.

The values of my audience closely mirrors my own. Service to others and to the larger society is important. A need to maintain the effort that positive change demands is also present.  Professionalism and diplomacy are the standards of conduct that are valued. Preservation of rights and of cultures is also important.

Research that emphasizes how the public has the right to integrity in the media, that illustrates how knowledge can create positive change or accelerate the process of change, and instances of how photojournalism can capture the human experience in a unique and valuable way will be most effective. The arguments are self-evident and do not require translation, which increases understanding of the theories behind them when they are explained.

The visual elements of photojournalism, being the subject at the heart of the matter, speak to people on a very human level, one that is relatively easy to relate to. The depiction of others in distress brings feelings of empathy or urgency to readers.

I am attempting to expand understanding of my argument. The issues that photojournalism addresses are very often societal in nature, and so must be dealt with on a larger scale than the scope of this argument has. It is a preliminary step toward further awareness and the discussion of the subject among the public. The subject matter is one that tends to linger in the minds of the readers, and is very likely to be shared.

I will write the argument as an informative essay. Its function is to bring awareness to the reading audience and encourage a public discourse of the issues. I chose it because the controversial nature of the subject demands the facts to be presented in a way that belies its importance.

The argument could be used in an academic setting as well as in a discussion among the general readers of like material. Publications of current events, blogs, and print media are possible places for it.

I will use the rhetorical appeals to mainly present the points of the argument (logos) and let the subject matter itself appeal to pathos. As far as character is concerned, that will depend on who is reading the argument, as it is open to interpretation.

Visual elements are a significant part of the argument; their use will be to illustrate the urgency that is inherent in photojournalism. The photos can be used to illustrate both sides of the argument: photos of journalists on the job to humanize their popular image, photos of victims to inspire sympathy for them and their need for privacy.

I will use a more formal style; it is a serious subject and the argument has many facets. The sensitive nature of many of the images calls for subtlety and tact.

Positive Support
Agreement with the idea that knowledge is the beginning of action
Coming to terms with the difficult subject matter while treating it with utmost respect
A clearer understanding of the photojournalist and how photojournalism can be a catalyst to change
Sharing the information and encouraging advocacy

Negative Rebuttal
Photojournalism is quaint and obsolete
The digitalization of photojournalism has cheapened it as a whole
It is exploitative and even immoral as a profession - This is the most controversial rebuttal and the most important to address. I need to appeal to the outcomes that are possible through knowledge and understanding. I can do this by providing compelling examples of when these outcomes have actually happened.

Expanded understanding ------------ more open-minded and flexible toward the issues
Further awareness ------------- increase of support for the profession---------a return to trust and credibility in the field

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